'S fhada bhon uair sin! It's been a while!
To follow are transcriptions of my journal entries while I was touring the Western Isles back in October. I tried to write in Gaelic the whole time, so I'll translate each entry afterwards:
14mh Dàmhair 2011
So, dh'fhàg mi Sabhal Mòr 's a mhadainn agus ghlach mi am bus bho Armadail gu Port Rìgh. As deoghaidh sin, fhuair mi airgead bhon Banca Dail Chluaidh ron a ghlach mi am bus gu Ùige. 'S e baile glé shnog a th' ann a' sin. 'S e am pàirt na h-eilein snog a th' ann an taobh tuath cuideachd. Chuala mi tòrr Gàidhlig mar thà , agus tha gaol agam air. Tha mi 'n dòchas gun urrainn dhomh Gàidhlig a' cleachdadh mus tàinig [correction: mus tig] mi air ais. Chì sinn. Chuala mi tòrr Beurla le blas a' Ghàidhlig agus bha e sgoinneil. Tha mi air mo dhòigh ann a' seo. Bithidh mise brònach nuair a tilleadh mi air ais dhan Sgitheanach.
Tha mi ag éisteachd ri daoine a bruidhinn mu dheidhinn an eaglais aca. Tha mi smaointinn gu bheil an té na minisdear. Tha a h-uile duine air am bàta-aiseag seo eòlach air gach duine eile.
Tha sinn ann am meadhan a' mhuir an-drasda agus chan urrainn dhomh rud sam bith fhaicinn. Tha e mìorbhaileach! =)
Tha mi ag ionndrainn Ceap Breatainn pìos beag agus na daoine ann a' siud ach chì mi iad nuair a thillidh mi air ais. Bithidh sin math.
Reinigeadal ~ Rhenigdale |
Ràinig mi aig osdail òigridh ann an Rhenigdale. Bha an slighe dhan seo doirbh is fada ach ràinig mi agus thog mi dealbh na dhà math. Bha an slighe sgoinneil!
Tha trì daoine eile anns an osdail seo; da fear agus té. Chan eil Gàidhlig aca. Ach uell, 's dòcha am màireach . 'S e osdail snog a th' ann a' seo. Tha cidsin mór aige agus seòmar-suidhe glé bhlàth is 'cozy.' Bithidh mi ann a' seo airson dà latha no trì oidhche. Bithidh e math, tha mi smaointinn. Tha gaol agam air na Hearadh mar sin tha mi 'n dòchas gum bi gaol agam air na h-àiteachan eile cuideachd. Chì sinn. Tha mi a' tiormachadh na brògan agams' as sgàth [correction: air sgàth] gun robh an slighe beagan fliuch bho àm gu àm. Tha barrachd stocainnean agam so tha mi ceart gu leòr agus bithidh na brògan agam tioram 's a mhadainn. Tha mise ag òl tì an drasda agus brot agus tha mi toilichte gu mór. =)
Uell, oidhche mhath leibh, a' chàirdean. Chì mi am màireach sibh.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14th of October 2011
On the ferry to Tarbert in Harris:
"Something I heard while I was travelling: 'I don't like the motion of the boat; you don't like the motion of the ocean?'
So, I left Sabhal Mòr this morning and took the bus from Armadale to Portree. After that, I got some money from the Clydesdale Bank before catching the bus to Uig. Uig is a really nice town. The north side of the island is really nice too. I heard a lot of Gaelic already and I love it. I hope I`ll be able to use Gaelic before I come back. We`ll see. I`ve heard a lot of English with a heavy Gaelic accent too. It`s awesome! I`m quite content here. I`ll be sad when I have to head back to Skye.
Air an slighe gu Reinigeadal |
I`m listening to people speak about their church right now. I think the woman is the minister. Everyone on this ferry seems to know each other. We`re in the middle of the ocean right now and I can`t see a thing. It`s fantastic! =)
I`m missing Cape Breton a little bit and the people there, but I`ll see them when I return, so no worries.
At Rhenigdale:
I arrived at the youth hostel in Rhenigdale. The path here was long and hard but I made it and I got a few good pictures. It was such a sweet path!
There are three other people at this hostel. Two men and a woman. [addition: The one was a young couple from Germany and the other, older man was from the south of England] None of them have Gaelic. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. This is a really nice hostel. It has a huge kitchen and a very warm and cozy living room. I'll be here for two days and three nights. It'll be good I think. I love Harris so I hope I'll love the other places too! We'll see.
I'm drying out my shoes right now because the path was a little wet in spots. I have more socks so I'll be fine and my shoes will be dry by morning. I'm also quite happy as I'm here drinking tea and soup.
Well, good night friends. I'll see you tomorrow! =)
Cnocan a' Rheinigeadal ~ The Hills of Rhenigdale |
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