Friday, 9 September 2011

Faclan ~ Vocabulary

Halò a h-uile duine!

'Se an ùine math a th' ann an seo aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Cuin a thuirt iad, tha Gàidhlig againn agus bruidhinnidh sinn i fad' na h-ùine, tha iad a' ciallachadh fad' na h-ùine. Ach, tha sin ceart. Tha mi a' tuigsinn mòran gach latha. Beag air bheag.
Things are going really well here at Sabhal Mor. There has been a lot of Gaelic so far, and a number of times I've gotten lost (especially when speaking with near-fluent people) but I'm understanding a little bit more each day and hopefully will get even better now that classes have officially started. When they say, we can and will speak Gaelic all the time, they really mean all the time. But, like I said, it's been alright.

I'm creating this post as a bit of a dictionary so that you folks can understand some common phrases in Gaelic, in case you ever are in a situation where they'd be useful. One of the benefits of hearing Gaelic every single day is that my vocabulary is growing remarkably fast, even if I'm a bit slower at forming responses.
Here are some words and phrases that I've heard so far and will give you a good basic vocabulary:

Madainn mhath dhut [ma-ting va goot]: Good morning to you

Feasgar math [Feskur ma]: Good afternoon

Oidhche mhath leat [Oy-cha va leht]: Good night to you

Bithidh mi 'gad fhaicinn! [Be me gut aching]: I'll be seeing you! 

'S math 'gad fhaicinn! [Sma gut aching]: It's nice to see you!

Ciamar a tha thu? [Kimar a ha oo?]  How are you?

Tha mi gu math [Ha me goo ma]: I'm doing well

Tapadh leat [Tap a leht]: Thank you

Mòran taing [More-an tang]: Thanks a lot

Tha sin ceart [Ha shin key-air-sht]: That's right

Tha sin ceart gu leòr [Ha shin key-air-sht goo lee-or]: That's all right

A h-uile duine [A hoola dune-ya]: Everyone 

Rud sam bith [Root some be]: anything

Cuideigin [Koo-ja-kin]: anyone   

Aite sam bith [At-cha some be]: anywhere

Gach latha [Gack la]: each day

Fad' na h-ùine [Fat na hoon-ya]: all the time

Tha Gàidhlig againn agus bruidhnidh sinn i: We have Gaelic and will speak it. 
[Ha Gah-lick ack-ing egg-is breeney sheen ee]
That's it for now! I'll write again soon about what I've been up to.

1 comment:

  1. Love the posting .. I'm currently set at Sabhal Mòr starting my second week of Gaelic training .. the first week was a complete blast, and sure the second week will be just as good.

    I also come from Kingston (well Ottawa, but lived in Joyceville for years), was interesting to find your blog.

